This is, without a doubt, the largest project I worked on at USC. One of USC’s Advanced Game Projects, made in a capstone course that lasts 2 semesters. I was one of 5 designers, on a team of over 20. I can say now that working on COLE was just as challenging as making games professionally.
In this darkly comedic 2D platformer, the player controls a coal-shoveling slave being on a spaceship. The player is able to able to escape from their repetitive coal-shoveling existence and explore the ship and its impoverished residents.
I was in charge of the “Shovel Surfing” level. This level takes a break from the usual platforming mechanics and dark tone, offering the player a minigame where the character rides their own shovel. I had fun designing all of the cool and cheesy features, like a “Trick-O-Cam” closeup that appears when the player does tricks. But in retrospect I realize this level was way too big.
Other than that level, I had my hands in whatever sequence needed work, on a week by week basis. Like all of the designers, I spent a few weeks working on the “Coal Room,” one of the first major areas of the game. Working on that level was always a delicate balance. How much should the level feel like a game in itself? How obvious should it be that the player can escape?
I think everyone realized that the initial plan was overscoped, myself included. This led to a rough middle stretch of production, but we became more focused and polished during the second semester.